Photothermal Microscopy: Nanosecond-Resolution Achieved

Nanosecond-resolution photothermal dynamic imaging via MHZ digitization and match filtering

Researchers from Boston University have developed a cutting-edge mid-infrared photothermal dynamic imaging (PDI) system that promises to revolutionize the field with its nanosecond temporal resolution. This innovative system, detailed in a recent study published in Nature Communications, leverages MHz digitization and match filtering to achieve unprecedented imaging speeds and sensitivity with the help of our 532 nm Cobolt Samba laser.

The new PDI system can capture thermal-dynamic information at nanosecond resolution, a significant improvement over traditional method. By utilizing MHz digitization and match filtering, the system increases imaging speed by two orders of magnitude and enhances the signal-to-noise ratio four-fold compared to conventional lock-in-based methods.

This technology enables high-throughput metabolism analysis at the single-cell level and effectively separates water background in mid-infrared PDI of living cells. The system offers a powerful tool for characterizing biological and material specimens with high sensitivity and speed, providing new insights into thermal dynamics.


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