HÜBNER PHOTONICS, through the Cobolt Product line, proudly introduces the 08-NLDM 785 nm ESP (enhanced spectral purity) 785 nm laser for Raman as part of the Cobolt 08-01 Series. The 08-NLDM 785 nm ESP complements the Cobolt 08-01 Series of compact high-performance single frequency and narrow linewidth lasers covering a broad range of 405 nm – 1064 nm for the high resolution Raman market.

Enhanced spectral purity is a desired performance specification especially for low frequency Raman applications and defines how well the side modes are suppressed relative to the main laser peak (SMSR) and how close to the main peak the level of side mode suppression is. Thanks to a patent-pending optical design the spectral purity of the 785 nm laser for Raman: 08-NLDM 785 nm ESP is > 60 dB as close as 0.5 nm from the main peak. The multi-transverse mode laser has an output power of <400 mW with fully integrated electronics in a single compact package.

785nm laser for Raman