Cobolt AB announces the release of Cobolt modulated DPSS laser option for the 04-01 Series lasers. This option incorporates both a CW diode pumped solid state laser (DPSSL) and an Acousto Optic Modulator (AOM) in one single compact package, only slightly longer than the standard 04-01 Series laser head. This allows fast and efficient integration of a modulated DPSS laser without the need for bulky and time consuming external alignment.
Cobolt AB announces the release of Cobolt modulated DPSS laser option for the 04-01 Series lasers. This option incorporates both a CW diode pumped solid state laser (DPSSL) and an Acousto Optic Modulator (AOM) in one single compact package, only slightly longer than the standard 04-01 Series laser head. This allows fast and efficient integration of a modulated DPSS laser without the need for bulky and time consuming external alignment.
Utilising Cobolt’s extensive experience in optical alignment along with our proprietary manufacturing method HTCure for ultra robustness, the Modulated DPSS laser option delivers a modulated output beam with the excellent performance and specifications associated with DPSS lasers and the ease of integration of a direct diode, thus being a the perfect supplement to directly modulated diode lasers.
These compact modulated lasers are available with a perfect beam and offer high modulation speeds of up to 3MHz. Available wavelengths: 473nm, 491nm, 515nm, 532nm, 561nm and 594 nm.
The Cobolt modulated DPSS lasers are intended for integration as an OEM component in analytical or metrology instrumentation equipment particularly targeting applications such as fluorescence microscopy and optogenetics.