Our 785 nm lasers
Here is our selection of solid state 785 nm lasers. Choose between narrow linewidth lasers, multi transverse mode and with powers up to 500 mW, narrow linewidth lasers, single transverse mode and with powers up to 120 mW, or if enhanced spectral purity (ESP) is needed then our narrow linewidth lasers, multi transverse mode ESP and with powers up to 400 mW, or diode lasers up to 250 mW.
The most commonly used wavelength in Raman spectroscopy is 785 nm. It offers the best balance between scattering efficiency, influence of fluorescence, detector efficiency and availability of cost-efficient and compact, high-quality laser sources. The NIR wavelength has also seen increasing usage in the life science research area.
Why choose an 08-NLD 785 nm laser for Raman spectroscopy?
Our 785 nm lasers by Cobolt are especially designed to meet the demanding needs of high resolution Raman spectroscopy, even including low frequency Raman spectroscopy. All lasers in the 08-01 Series have exceptional wavelength stability and excellent spectral purity. They are clearly the first choice of laser for serious Raman scientists.
Why choose an 06-MLD 785 nm laser for life science?
The 785 nm laser is increasingly popular in life science applications including flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy thanks to the breakthrough in availability of near infra-red fluorophores. The longer wavelengths allow deeper penetration into cells and are less destructive compared to shorter wavelengths. All Cobolt lasers are manufactured using prioritory HTCure manufactuing allowing us to offer excellent performance and industry leading warranty terms.
The lasers are can be used individually or combined with other wavelengths into a laser combiner.
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