At this year’s FOM (Focuse on Microscopy) we have unveild a series of products set to address various needs in microscopy and their applications in biology, medicine and the material sciences. This year we also had the unique opportunity to present 2 new posters highlighting the latest finding in biomedical imaging.

Poster n1: Multi-line lasers help simplify Light Sheet microscopes targeting clinical applications

Despite advancements in tissue clearing techniques, challenges still persist in terms of limited access to affordable and user-friendly LSFM for biomedical research. We present a multi-color laser, which in combination with an open-source descSPIM configuration enhances simplicity, cost-efficiency, and spectral flexibility.

Poster n2: Simultaneous two and three photon imaging for personalized and real-time treatment optimization

In the realm of biomedical imaging, the quest for techniques that offer both molecular specificity and real-time visualization capabilities has been incessant. We propose simultaneous two and three photon imaging as a transformative approach facilitated by a new class of femtosecond lasers. These lasers boast a broadband emission spectrum, facilitating the simultaneous excitation of multiple fluorophores and harmonics. Additionally, their sub-50 femtosecond pulse duration enables prolonged imaging over days without inducing tissue heating, thus preserving cellular viability and functionality.