Laser Technology

High performance lasers, tailored to your needs

Product Group - Laser

Through the well-known Swedish laser manufacturer Cobolt, a proven supplier of high performance lasers of more than 15 years, HÜBNER Photonics division offers one of the industry’s broadest ranges of compact single-frequency CW lasers, diode lasers, nanosecond and femtosecond lasers as well as tunable lasers across the full UV-Visible-NIR spectrum.

Using proprietary HTCure™ laser manufacturing technology the Cobolt lasers are associated with outstanding reliability and lifetime. Every light source you will ever need Complementing Cobolt’s broad portfolio of compact lasers. Combine the lasers in a highly flexible and extremly compact laser combiner. HÜBNER Photonics also offers one of the most unique kinds of lasers on the market – the award winning singlefrequency, CW, frequency doubled OPO, C-WAVE providing broadly tunable emission across the visible (and NIR) spectrum. By combining the competences across HÜBNER Photonics, volume manufacturing of exceptional laser designs with unparalleled reliability is a reality.

Chart over all products

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HÜBNER Photonics - Product Chart
HÜBNER Photonics - Product Chart
HÜBNER Photonics - Product Chart

Femtosecond Lasers

Femtosecond lasers

Thanks to an innovative laser design with sophisticated control of dispersion and non-linear effects, the VALO lasers offer ultra-short pulses with pulse durations below 50 fs from a compact, robust and turn-key system.

Tunable Lasers

HÜBNER Photonics offers two types of tunable lasers; CW & Q-switched. All tunable lasers by are based on OPO technology covering VIS – MIR wavelength ranges.

Laser Combiners

As a highly-flexible and extremely compact laser combiner, C-FLEX lets you combine up to 6 wavelengths out of more than 30 wavelengths available.

Diode Lasers

Cobolt’s ultra-compact & modulatable CW diode and DPSS lasers, 375 – 975 nm up to 400 mW with integrated electronics.

Single Frequency Lasers

Cobolt’s single frequency (SF) lasers with extremely narrow linewidth, typically <10s kHz. A wide range of wavelengths are available, from 355 nm to 1064 nm.

DPSS Lasers

Cobolt’s compact & low noise single longitudinal mode CW DPSS lasers, 457-1064 nm, CW power up to 400 mW.

Multi-line Lasers

Cobolt’s multi-line laser, Cobolt Skyra™ offers up to 4 laser lines in a box that can fit into the palm of your hand with no external electronics required.

Nanosecond Lasers

Cobolt’s high performance Q-switched lasers, up to 1 W average power, < 5 ns pulse width, single pulse – 7 kHz repetition rate..

Narrow Linewidth Lasers

These narrow linewidth lasers are high performance, compact, single longitudinal mode (SLM) diode pumped lasers (08-DPL) up to 400 mW and narrow linewidth diode lasers (08-NLD) up to 500 mW.

Optogenetics Solutions

Cobolt offers a range of high performance, reliable and user-friendly laser assemblies specifically tailored for advanced Optogenetics research.

Ultra-low noise, single frequency lasers

The Ampheia™ Series is a family of high-power fiber amplifiers, which with a pinnacle of perfection seamlessly boosting ultra-low relative intensity noise (RIN) and single-frequency operation while delivering 20 W, 40 W, and 50 W at 1064 nm in a perfect beam.