Cooling atoms to ultralow temperatures has produced a wealth of opportunities in fundamental physics, precision metrology, and quantum science.

Laser cooling and atom trapping

The basic principles of laser cooling and trapping

Laser cooling, pioneered by Hansch and Schawlow in 1975 [1], marked a significant breakthrough in atomic manipulation. Exploiting the Doppler effect, this method utilizes counterpropagating laser beams to induce a frequency shift in atoms moving towards them, resulting in enhanced photon scattering and subsequent kinetic energy loss. Chu et al. demonstrated this principle in 1985 [2], achieving remarkably low temperatures near the photon recoil limit.
Advancements in laser cooling techniques have pushed beyond the photon recoil limit, enabling the manipulation of atoms at exceptionally low temperatures. Techniques like velocity selective population trapping [3] and stimulated Raman transitions have expanded the possibilities in atomic manipulation, offering avenues for groundbreaking experiments.

Laser cooling and atom trapping design

Laser cooling and atom trapping design concept.

Complementing laser cooling, trapping atoms encompasses a diverse range of methods tailored for both charged and neutral particles. Charged particle traps utilize Coulomb interactions in electric or electromagnetic fields, facilitating ultrahigh precision spectroscopy and exploring quantum effects. Neutral atom traps exploit interactions such as radiation-pressure, magnetic, or optical dipole forces, each offering unique advantages for experiments in ultracold atomic quantum matter.

Optical dipole traps

Optical dipole traps is one kind of atom trapping mechanism, which operate by utilizing the interaction between electric dipoles and far-detuned light and is weaker compared to other trapping mechanism such as radiation-pressure trap or magnetic trap (typical depths below one millikelvin). Depending on specific conditions, the trapping mechanism remains unaffected by the electronic ground state’s particular sub-level. This enables full utilization of internal ground-state dynamics for experiments over extended periods, potentially lasting many seconds. Additionally, optical dipole traps offer versatility in trapping geometries, allowing for highly anisotropic or multi-well potentials. Historically, the concept of the optical dipole force as a confining mechanism in dipole traps emerged in the works of Askar’yan (1962) in the context of plasmas and neutral atoms and Letokhov (1968) proposed the idea of trapping atoms using this force, suggesting one-dimensional confinement at nodes or antinodes of a standing wave tuned far from the atomic transition frequency. Ashkin (1970) demonstrated the trapping of micron-sized particles in laser light through the combined effects of radiation pressure and the dipole force. Subsequently, he proposed three-dimensional traps for neutral atoms in 1978.

Exemplified by the pioneering work of Chu et al. in 1986 [4], optical dipole traps stand out for their versatility and precision. Utilizing far-detuned light, these traps confine atoms in conservative potentials with minimal perturbation, enabling long interaction times and high-fidelity experiments. They have become indispensable tools in various fields, from atom trapping to atom optics.

Exploring various cooling and trapping techniques

The field of laser cooling and trapping has seen remarkable progress, propelling fundamental research and enabling novel applications across disciplines. From unraveling quantum mysteries to gaining unprecedented control over atomic motion, these techniques continue to push the boundaries of atomic physics.

There are various trapping and cooling techniques depending on the desired application. For example, magnetic trapping exploits the alignment of atomic magnetic moments, while induced dipole moments created by focused laser beams can trap atoms using time-varying electric fields. These methods find applications from cryostats to atomic beam manipulation for research purposes.

On the other hand radiation cooling, proposed by Hänsch in 1975, explores atom manipulation through photon scattering, allowing atoms to lose energy and momentum via repeated scattering events, ultimately reducing their translational temperature. This cooling process holds promise for applications in spectroscopy and beam collimation.

Trapping charged and neutral particles has been pivotal in advancing scientific research across various energy scales. Ion traps, in particular, offer confinement independent of internal ion structure, facilitating diverse experimental investigations. For neutral atoms, different trapping mechanisms, including radiation-pressure traps, magnetic traps, and optical dipole traps, offer versatility and precision, enabling long experimental timescales and high-fidelity experiments.
Various cooling methods, such as Doppler cooling, polarization-gradient cooling, and evaporative cooling, are employed to achieve low temperatures and high phase-space densities necessary for efficient trap loading and maintenance.

Collisions, including two-body and three-body interactions, play a significant role in trap loss and thermalization, offering insights into fundamental collisional processes.

As we can see, each cooling and trapping technique contributes uniquely to the experimental toolbox, facilitating precise control and manipulation of trapped particles for various scientific investigations.

Fundamental heating mechanisms

The counter acting mechanisms of cooling is heating. One primary source of heating arises from the spontaneous scattering of trap photons, where the random nature of this process induces fluctuations in the radiation force. In dipole traps, characterized by a far-detuned condition, scattering is predominantly elastic, meaning the energy of the scattered photon aligns with the laser’s frequency rather than the optical transition. Both absorption and spontaneous re-emission processes exhibit fluctuations, contributing to overall heating (Minogin and Letokhov, 1987 [5]). In intense light fields near resonance, especially in standing-wave configurations, the induced redistribution of photons among different traveling-wave components can induce significant heating (Gordon and Ashkin, 1980 [6]; Dalibard and Cohen Tannoudji, 1985 [7]).

Apart from fundamental heating mechanisms in dipole traps, technical heating arises from intensity fluctuations and pointing instabilities in trapping fields (Savard et al.,1997). In the former case, fluctuations occurring at twice the characteristic trap frequencies can parametrically drive atomic motion oscillations, while in the latter, potential shaking at trap frequencies increases motional amplitudes. Experimentally, these issues largely depend on specific laser sources and their technical noise spectra. Therefore, it is crucial to use a laser source with ultra-low relative intensity noise (RIN). For example the Ampheia™ manifests ultra-low RIN over a wide range of frequences.

The future of laser trapping and cooling: What lies ahead?

The future of laser trapping and cooling is poised for remarkable advancements, driven by the continuous refinement of laser technologies. One of the primary challenges in this field has been managing noise-induced heating, which can undermine the efficiency of cooling mechanisms. However, with the development of laser sources exhibiting ultra-low relative intensity noise (RIN), these obstacles are increasingly surmountable. These advanced lasers significantly mitigate both fundamental and technical heating issues by providing stable, precise light fields essential for minimizing fluctuations and instabilities.

As we refine these technologies further, the potential to achieve unprecedented levels of control and precision in laser trapping and cooling becomes ever more tangible, opening new frontiers in experimental physics and practical applications. This progress not only enhances our ability to maintain ultra-cold temperatures but also allows us to explore previously inaccessible phenomena, heralding a new era in the study and application of quantum mechanics.

Learn also about the role of lasers in the preparation of atomic qubits.

What are the best lasers for cooling and trapping?

For laser cooling and trapping it is crucial that the laser source has ultra-low relative intensity noise (RIN), extremely narrow linewidth (kHz), high output power (Watts) and excellent beam quality (M2< 1.1). How far it is possible to cool the atoms is limited by the performance of the laser; higher noise and wider linewidths will mean that the atoms will still be in motion and therefore limit the temperatures to which they could be cooled. Qubits based on atoms like rubidium, cesium, strontium, calcium, and ytterbium benefit significantly from laser cooling techniques to achieve the low temperatures necessary for stable quantum operations. Compact tunable lasers play a vital role in this process by providing the precision, stability, and flexibility required for effective qubit manipulation and integration into practical quantum computing systems.

The Cobolt Qu-T is a compact, widely tunable lasers with single-frequency CW emission in the 650-950 nm range, an inherently high level of flexibility in the center wavelength and a perfect TEM00 beam, while having 10’s kHz linewidth, powers up to 500 mW and an exceptionally clean spectrum. Each emission wavelength can be coarsely tuned gap-free over several nm and actively locked to an external reference using a fast piezo control. This attribute is perfect for laser cooling since you can target the excitation frequency of the specific atom that you want to cool. The laser can be integrated with frequency combiners to pair up multiple lasers and it is exceptionally compact.

The Ampheia™ ultra low noise fiber laser has exceptionally low RIN over a wide range of frequencies along with a linewidth in the kHz region and offers powers up to 50 W at 1064 nm, making is a perfect choice for trapping ions or atoms.

Learn more about quantum technologies

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  • [1] T.W. Hänsch, A.L. Schawlow, “Cooling of gases by laser radiation,” Opt. Comm., 13, (1), 68-69, 1975.
  • [2] Chu, Steven and Hollberg, L. and Bjorkholm, J. E. and Cable, Alex and Ashkin,
    “Three-dimensional viscous confinement and cooling of atoms by resonance radiation pressure,” Phys. Rev. Lett., 55, (1), 48-51, 1985}.
  • [3] Aspect, A. and Arimondo, E. and Kaiser, R. and Vansteenkiste, N. and Cohen-Tannoudji, C., “Laser Cooling below the One-Photon Recoil Energy by Velocity-Selective Coherent Population Trapping,”Phys. Rev. Lett., 61, (7) 826 – 829, 1988.
  • [4] Chu, Steven and Bjorkholm, J. E. and Ashkin, A. and Cable, A., “Experimental Observation of Optically Trapped Atoms” Phys. Rev. Lett., 57, (3), 314-317, 1986.
  • [5] Minogin VG, Letokhov VS. “Laser Light Pressure on Atoms,” Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1987.
  • [6] Gordon, J. P. and Ashkin, A., “Motion of atoms in a radiation trap,” Phys. Rev. A, 21 (5), 1606-1617, 1980.
  • [7] J. Dalibard and C. Cohen-Tannoudji, “Dressed-atom approach to atomic motion in laser light: the dipole force revisited,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 2, 1707-1720 (1985).