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Cobolt Lasers
  • Ampheia™ Fiber Amplifiers

    Ultra-low noise, single frequency, fiber amplifiers

    Wavelength:  532 nm, 1064.2 ± 0.6 nm
    Output power:  5 W, 20 W, 40 W, 50 W
    Applications: Atom Trapping and Cooling, Particle Analysis, Optical Metrology, Semiconductor Inspection, Holography, Low-Noise Laser Pump Source, Quantum sensing


    Ultra-low noise, single frequency, fiber amplifiers

    The Ampheia™ Series offer high-power fiber amplifiers that excel in boosting ultra-low relative intensity noise (RIN) and maintaining single-frequency operation. These amplifiers deliver 20 W, 40 W, and 50 W at 1064 nm as well as 5 W at 532 nm, all in a perfect beam.
    • Up to 50 W at 1064 nm and 5 W at 532 nm, CW, single-frequency emission
    • Ultra-low relatively intesity noise (RIN) and perfect beam quality
    • Single-stage fiber amplifier with integrated seed laser
    • Optical signal to noise ratio (OSNR > 80 dB)
    • Robust and maintenance free
    • Easy installation and user-friendly interface


    Atom Trapping and Cooling, Particle Analysis, Optical Metrology, Semiconductor Inspection, Holography, Low-Noise Laser Pump Source, Quantum sensing   Quantum sensorsHolography
  • Cobolt Qu-T™ Series

    Compact tunable Lasers – Single Frequency – Mode-hop Free Tuning

    Wavelength: 707 nm, 780 nm, 813 nm
    Output power:  >500 mW
    Applications: Quantum Research, Quantum Computing, Atom Cooling, Atom Clock Research, Raman spectroscopy


    Compact Tunable Lasers – Single Frequency – Mode-hop Free Tuning

    The Cobolt Qu-T™ Series offers tunable and lockable single-frequency CW emission in the 650-950 nm range with an inherently high level of flexibility in the center wavelength and a perfect TEM00 beam. Each emission wavelength can be coarsely tuned gap-free over several nm and actively locked to an external reference using a fast piezo control.  Combined with such tunability and locking capability, low intensity noise and narrow linewidth emission make these lasers perfectly suited for quantum experiments based on atomic transitions and generation of entangled photon pairs through spontaneous parametric down-conversion. Key Features:
    • Large wavelength flexibility and high output power
    • Narrow linewidth (<50 kHz, 1 ms integration time)
    • High spectral purity (SMSR >60 dB)
    • Multi-nm gap-free coarse tuning (>4 nm)
    • Fast fine tuning (mode-hop free >10 GHz, typ.)
    • Wavelength locking to various external references
    • Compact format with proven 24/7 reliability


    Quantum Research, Quantum Computing, Atom Cooling, Atom Clock Research, Raman spectroscopy   Quantum sensorsRaman Spectroscopy – Copyright © Witec
  • Cobolt Rogue™ Series

    High Power, CW diode pumped lasers

    Wavelength: 640 nm
    Power: 1 W
    Applications: Super resolution microscopy

    High power, CW diode pumped lasers

    The Cobolt Rogue™  Series lasers are continuous-wave diode pumped lasers (DPL). A complement to our Cobolt 05-01 Series of single frequency lasers, the Cobolt RogueTM  Series is multi-longitudinal mode in a perfect TEM00 beam. In the Cobolt Rogue-iE all-in-one lasers all control electronics are contained in the laser head eliminating the need for an external controller and bringing the trusted laser performance of Cobolt lasers into a compact, self-contained device. The lasers are designed and manufactured to ensure a high level of reliability.
    • 640 nm, CW up to 1 W
    • High quality laser beam, TEMOO
    • Spectral bandwidth < 150 GHz
    • Ultra-robust, hermetically sealed packages, proven reliability
    • 24 months warranty, unlimited hours
    • Fully integrated electronics option available


    Perfect for super resolution microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, DNA sequencing Life Science
  • Cobolt 04-01 Series

    Single frequency, CW diode pumped lasers

    Wavelength: 457 nm – 1064 nm
    Power: 25 mW – 400 mW
    Applications: Raman, microscopy, LDV, DLS

    Single frequency, CW diode pumped lasers

    The Cobolt 04-01 Series lasers are continuous-wave diode-pumped lasers (DPL) operating at a fixed wavelength between 457 nm and 1064 nm. Single frequency operation provides an ultra narrow spectral linewidth, long coherence length and excellent spectral purity. The lasers are designed and manufactured to ensure a high level of reliability.

    • 457 nm - 1064 nm, CW up to 400 mW
    • Linewidth < 1 MHz, (>100 m coherence length)
    • TEM00 beam
    • Low noise, <0.25% rms
    • Wavelength stability <1 pm (over ± 2 °C and 8 hrs)
    • Optional integrated modulation up to 3MHz
    • Fiber pigtailed option
    • Ultra-robust, hermetically sealed packages, proven reliability
    • Up to 24 months warranty, unlimited hours


    Perfect for interferometry, Raman, holography, microscopy.
  • Cobolt 05-01 Series

    High power, single frequency, CW diode pumped lasers

    Wavelength: 320 nm – 1064 nm
    Power: 10 mW – 3000 mW
    Applications: Holography, Raman, microscopy, flow cytometry, research

    High power, single frequency, CW diode pumped lasers

    The Cobolt 05-01 Series lasers are continuous-wave diode pumped lasers (DPL) operating at a fixed wavelength between 320 nm and 1064 nm. Single frequency operation provides an ultra narrow spectral linewidth, long coherence length and excellent spectral purity. In the Cobolt 05-iE all-in-one lasers all control electronics are contained in the laser head eliminating the need for an external controller and bringing the trusted laser performance of Cobolt 05-01 Series into a compact, self-contained device. The lasers are designed and manufactured to ensure a high level of reliability.

    • 320 nm - 1064 nm, CW up to 3 W
    • High quality laser beam, TEM00
    • Linewidth < 1 MHz, (>100 m coherence length)
    • Low noise, <0.1% rms
    • Wavelength stability <1 pm (over ± 2 °C and 8 hrs)
    • Insensitive to optical feedback
    • Ultra-robust, hermetically sealed packages, proven reliability
    • Up to 24 months warranty, unlimited hours
    • Fully integrated electronics option available


    Perfect for holography, interferometry, Raman, optical tweezerssuper resolution microscopy, laser doppler velocimetry.
  • Cobolt 06-01 Series

    Plug & play modulated CW lasers

    Wavelength: 375 nm – 1064 nm
    Power: 40 mW – 400 mW
    Applications: Microscopy, flow cytometry, optogenetics

    Plug & play modulated CW lasers

    Cobolt 06-01 Series offers lasers over a large wavelength range in a compact plug and play format. The Series consists of high performance fixed wavelength diode laser modules (MLD) and diode-pumped lasers (DPL). High speed direct modulation capability and true off during modulation makes them ideal for applications in bioimaging and quantum technologies.

    • 375 nm - 1064 nm, up to 400 mW
    • Up to 100 MHz modulation
    • Fully harmonized electrical interface and industry standard 12 V power supply input
    • Integrated clean-up filter on all diode wavelengths
    • Versatile and precise intensity modulation in digital or analog mode with true OFF-state (>70 dB), linear optical response and stable illumination across varying duty cycles
    • Fiber pigtailed configuration available
    • Compatible with C-FLEX Laser Combiner
    • Ultra-robust, proven reliability
    • 24 months warranty and < 2 weeks standard lead time


    Perfect for fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, optogenetics, colorimetry, quantum technology, DNA sequencing. Life Science Optogenetics Solutions Quantum – Copyright © Max Planck Institute Heidelberg
  • Cobolt 08-01 Series

    Compact narrow linewidth lasers

    Wavelength: 405 nm – 1064 nm
    Power: 25 mW – 500 mW
    Applications: Raman spectroscopy, interferometry, dynamic light scattering.

    Compact narrow linewidth lasers

    The Cobolt 08-01 Series is a family of compact narrow linewidth continuous-wave lasers, including high performance single frequency diode pumped lasers (DPL) as well as frequency stabilized diode lasers (NLD). This Series offers the broadest wavelength range and highest performance lasers on the market for Raman spectroscopy.

    • 405 nm – 1064 nm, up to 500 mW
    • Excellent wavelength stability, < 1 pm (over ±3 °C, 8 hrs)
    • Guaranteed excellent spectral purity, > 80 dB
    • Integrated electronics
    • Integrated optional optical isolator and spectral clean-up filter
    • Fiber coupled option
    • Ultra-robust, proven reliability
    • Ensured stable narrow linewidth emission over the full laser lifetime and a wide range of operating conditions
    • 24 months warranty, unlimited hours


    Perfect for Raman spectroscopy, interferometry, dynamic light scattering.
  • Cobolt Tor™ Series

    High performance Q-switched lasers

    Wavelength: 355, 532 and 1064 nm
    Pulse energy: 50 – 500 uJ/pulse (Single pulse – 7 kHz)
    Applications: LIBS, Maldi-TOF, Micro-machining & Marking

    High performance Q-switched lasers

    The Cobolt Tor™ Series lasers are high performance Q-switched diode pumped lasers. The sophisticated cavity design of these lasers provides a unique combination of high pulse repetition rates, short pulse lengths and exceptional pulse-to-pulse stability in a high quality TEM00 beam.
    • 355 nm, 532 nm and 1064 nm, up to 1 W average power
    • up to 500 µJ nominal pulse energy 
    • 2-5 ns pulse width
    • >7 kHz pulse repetition rate free running
    • <1 kHz single pulse triggerable
    • Ultra-robust, hermetically sealed packages, proven reliability
    • 12 months warranty
    • Fully intergrated control electronics


    Perfect for Photoacoustics microscopy, marking, LIDAR and LIBS.
  • Cobolt Odin™ Series

    Tunable Lasers Mid-IR

    Wavelength: 3264 nm – 4330 nm
    Power, pulse rate: 60 – 80 mW, 10 kHz
    Applications: PAS, LIBS, photoacoustics

    Tunable Lasers Mid-IR

    Compact & tunable Mid-IR OPOs and pulsed.

    The Cobolt Odin™ Series is an ultra-compact and industrial-grade mid-IR source based on a fully contained temperature tunable Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO) with integrated pump laser.
    • Wavelength selectable 3,1 µm – 4,6 µm
    • Standard wavelengths 3264 nm, 3431 nm, & 4330 nm
    • Tunable up to 50 nm
    • Up to 80 mW at 10 kHz
    • Narrow bandwidth <0.3 nm
    • Ultra-robust, hermetically sealed packages, proven reliability
    • 12 months warranty


    Perfect for trace gas analysis, gas sensing and photoacoustic spectroscopy. Photoacoustics spectroscopy
  • Cobolt Skyra™

    A revolutionary multi-line laser platform

    Wavelength: 405 nm – 685 nm
    Power: 50 mW, 100 mW
    Applications: Microscopy, flow cytometry

    A revolutionary multi-line laser platform

    Cobolt Skyra™ is an extremely compact, permanently aligned, plug & play, multi-line laser with up to 4 laser lines and control electronics integrated into one single, temperature-controlled package, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand!
    • 405 nm - 785 nm, up to 100 mW of output power per line
    • Robust package, fully integrated electronics and user friendly software control
    • Analog and digital modulation capability on all lines
    • Fiber coupled option available with full spectral coverage 405 - 785 nm
    • Hermetically sealed packages, proven reliability


    Perfect for Ar+ replacement, fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry and Optogenetics
  • C-FLEX

    The compact and flexible laser combiner

    Wavelength: 375 nm – 1064 nm
    Power: 50 mW – 1000 mW
    Applications: Microscopy, Raman, holography

    The compact and flexible laser combiner

    The C-FLEX laser combiner harnesses the quality and reliability of the Cobolt high performance lasers. The C-FLEX laser combiners are available in three platform sizes (C4, C6, and C8) and can be equipped with up to 4, 6, or 8 Cobolt lasers. C-FLEX can be fully customized, or is available as application-specific configurations. The design allows for full flexibility in the choice of laser technology, ranging from plug and play diode lasers to high power, single frequency diode pumped lasers. NEW! Explore the flexibility of the C-FLEX platform by using our free online configurator tool - Design my own C-FLEX. Build a 2D model of your C-FLEX design based on your selected lasers and options. Download the drawing, along with a complete list of articles, for a super-easy request-a-quotation process!
    • Combine up to 4 or up to 6 wavelengths
    • 32 available wavelengths from 375 nm to 1064 nm, up to 1000 mW
    • Easy to install and field upgradeable
    • High speed modulation capability on all colors
    • Fiber coupling options with single or dual ports
    • Electro-mechanical shutter options
    • Optional laser-external output power monitoring


    Fluorescence Microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and holography.
  • VALO Series

    Ultrafast femtosecond fiber lasers

    Pulse duration: <50 fs
    Power: Up to 2 W
    Applications: Multiphoton Microscopy, Two-photon Polymerization, Optogenetics

    Ultrafast femtosecond fiber lasers

    The VALO Series of ultrafast fiber lasers are unique in their design offering amongst the shortest femtosecond pulses and highest peak powers which can be obtained from a compact turn-key solution. Pulse durations of <50 fs are achieved using novel fiber laser based technology. The extremely clean, ultrashort pulse durations combined with computer controlled group velocity dispersion pre-compensation, allow users of the VALO lasers to achieve the highest peak power exactly where its needed, which makes the lasers ideal for use in multiphoton imaging, advanced spectroscopy and many other applications.
    • <50 fs pulse duration
    • Up to 2 W output power
    • Very low noise
    • Integrated pre-compensation dispersion module


    Perfect for multiphoton microscopy, optogenetics, two-photon polymerization, terahertz generation, and supercontinuum generation and many more.
  • C-WAVE Series

    Widely tunable continuous-wave lasers

    Wavelength: 450 nm – 1900 nm
    Power: 200 mW – 1000 mW
    Applications: Nanophotonics, quantum research, Raman (TERS)

    Widely tunable continuous-wave lasers

    C-WAVE tunable lasers are widely tunable continuous wave (cw) laser light sources based on optical parametric oscillator (OPO) technology.
    • Wavelength coverage from 450 nm up to 3.5 µm
    • Up to 250 nm gap-free tuning range in the visible 
    • Single frequency operation with < 500 kHz typical linewidth
    • Output powers up to Watt-level
    C-WAVE tunable lasers offer several tuning mechanisms, ranging from a fully automated wavelength approach to truly continuous mode-hope free scans over tens of GHz. In closed-loop operation, a long term frequency stability as good as +/- 2 MHz over hours can be achieved. Other features to highlight are an exceptionally low level of amplified spontaneous emission and an excellent spatial beam profile and beam pointing stability.

    Model Overview

    Two design platforms allow to adapt C-WAVE tunable lasers to application specific requirements. For the C-WAVE VIS and C-WAVE IR platform a 532 nm pump laser is used, available in low power and high power version. The platform for C-WAVE GTR and C-WAVE NIR employs a 780 nm pump laser. C-WAVE tuning range


    C-WAVE tunable lasers are field proven in applications such as color center research and other Quantum technologies, Nanophotonics, holography, Raman spectroscopy, fluorescence microscopy, and high resolution spectroscopy.
  • Optogenetics Solutions

    Wavelength: 473 nm – 660 nm
    Power: 50 mW – 400 mW
    Applications: Optogenetics

    Cobolt offers a range of high performance, reliable and user-friendly laser assemblies specifically tailored for advanced Optogenetics research.

    The laser assemblies have been developed in close collaboration with leading Optogenetics research labs and offer experiment-ready solutions for channelrhodopsin activation and halorhodopsin inhibition. The Cobolt Optogenetics solutions include single-line lasers with stable and efficient coupling into multi-mode fibers, two lasers on a common platform launched into one common fiber coupler or two lasers sitting side by side launched into one fiber coupler each, suitable for 2-into-1 coupling using e.g. fused fibers. The lasers are available at various wavelengths matching the sensitivity peaks of the most popular Rhodopsins and with output powers >100 mW.
    • 473 nm, 532 nm, 561 nm, 594 nm, 638 nm, 660 nm
    • >100 mW output power
    • Fast and high aspect ratio modulation up to 3 MHz (direct current modulation or integrated AOM)
    • Stable and efficient coupling into optical fibers
    • Single-line lasers or 2-line combiners
    All solutions offer full control over the pulse generation, perfect pulse-to-pulse stability, high extinction ratio and fiber coupling efficiencies of up to 80%.
  • Customized lasers

    Thanks to the expansive flexibility offered by the HTCure manufacturing technology, many solutions can be offered without significant added cost.

    Many of our laser products can be customized in different ways in order to simplify system integration. Thanks to the expansive flexibility offered by the HTCure manufacturing technology, many solutions can be offered without significant added cost. All customized laser solutions are developed and documented according to ISO9001 certified process for customized design revision and are provided under unique article number with customized product specification and verification documentation. Examples of common laser customizations include:

    Tailored output beams

    Special divergence, waist location or beam diameter

    OEM package for compact integration

    Significantly smaller laser head sizes by removing outer housing and shutter. The lasers are delivered in a hermetically sealed sub-package

    Customized electronics

    Electronics boards separated from laser head or provided without separate housing for more compact integration

    Customized fiber delivery

    Special fiber lengths, shielding and connectors
  • Customized optical subsystems

    Our team’s high level of competence in advanced optical and opto-mechanical designs, enables development of optical subsystem solutions that can greatly simplify system design and integration.

    Our unique HTCure technology for high precision mounting of miniaturized optics into compact and very robust packages, combined with our team’s high level of competence in advanced optical and opto-mechanical designs, enables development of optical subsystem solutions that can greatly simplify system design and integration.

    Integration the laser optics together with optical systems for beam shaping, steering or signal detection, or with opto-mechanical components can help miniaturizing the size and improve the robustness of the overall system design. Examples of our capabilities include;

    Multiline laser with adjustable stack of elliptical light sheet beams for Flow Cytometry

    Ultra-compact self-contained 3-line laser engine with an output beam of stacked elliptical light sheets with an electronically controlled spatial separation in focus. Simplifies integration of multi-color excitation and alignment with fluorescence detection systems in flow cytometer instrumentation.
    Laser beams

    Light sheets beams with top-hat beam profiles for Flow Cytometry

    Compact fiber-connected modules turning gaussian beams into top-hat beam profiles in focus. New unique design provides <90 % intensity variation across beam profile with repeatable performance and clean profiles in far-field. Ensures even exposure across cell stream in flow cytometry instrumentation.

    Marking head for laser marking system

    Cobolt Tor Series high peak power Ns pulsed lasers integrated with beam expander, scanner, control electronics and customized software for integration into laser marking systems for high performance micro-marking.
    Laser marking head

    Detection system for Raman Spectroscopy

    Compact, robust and high precision optical systems for collecting, separating and guiding Raman signals into optical fibers. Simplifies manufacturing of probes for Raman spectroscopy equipment used for in-line quality control.

    High power CW lasers with integrated high-speed modulation for Fluorescence Microscopy

    Cobolt 04-01 high power DPSS lasers with integrated AOM module and beam blocking optics for MHz digital and analog high-aspect ration intensity modulation. Simplifies integration of high-power yellow-orange-red colors in Fluorescence Microscopy instrumentation.
    Modulated DPSSLs
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